ReplyButler is all about Outlook answers and texts. And there are few interesting Tricks if you want to use the same texts in many / all e-mails.
This can be used for phrases like “thank you for your e-mail” as well as for dynamic texts containing unique promotion codes.
In the simplest case you only want to have always the same text at the beginning of the e-mail. Simply append it to the greeting phrase. You can use the placeholder {RB_Break} to insert line breaks.
Using the regular text modules is of course more convenient and more powerful. They support images, placeholders for promotion codes from external files, etc. Simply create a text module and activate that they always want to use it:

Such a phrase looks of course unfitting if the same customer keeps reading it in every e-mail. You can tell ReplyBuler to remember for which customer the phrase was already used and the (if you’re inserting it manually) warn you (or simply do nothing if the phrase would be inserted automatically).

This way each customer will see the phrase only once.